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Nine of Swords




Lying still in the dead of night with eyes wide open and gazing into space. The Nine of Swords represents the darkness that brings fear and suffering. The silence can be deafening. Pain oozes through every inch of you. Physically, mentally and emotionally draining every ounce of positivity you had left.


Ego appears to remind you that you're not worthy. The ego will tell lies to distract you from universal love and light. There is no delicate way of putting this... The ego will fill you with such destructive energy that it will push you to the limits of human existence.


In the dead of night, no one can hear you. No one can help you, and you cannot hide either. In the dead of night, there's nothing to distract you from the ordeal you are enduring. Minute by minute, hour by hour, your test of endurance started the second your head hit the pillow. The ticking clock gets louder every minute, driving you deeper into the arms of the devil himself. The dark night of the soul seeps in...


Every trauma, insult, and failure form a new personal identity of which you truly believe. All hope is gone, and the battle is lost. You surrender to what you believe is the truth! I am not worthy! I am unloved! I have no future!


Whatever is causing you anxiety, stress and worry will blow up in your mind, whether it's oppression, guilt, anger, fear or sadness. As dawn approaches, you realise that you've almost made it through a long night of mental torture. The test of endurance is almost over. Your mind is foggy and disconnected, and you feel bruised within. Dark circles are embedded in your eyes, and facing the day ahead feels very unwelcoming. Your night of hell will undoubtedly have an impact.


Sometimes, we are faced with difficult situations that plague our mind. Especially at bedtime when we have nothing to distract us from our thoughts.


The Nine of Swords tells us to look closely at the root cause of our suffering. Once we can rationally look at the situation, we can find solutions and move away from pain and suffering.


Be honest and compassionate with yourself during this challenging phase. Time is the biggest healer, so allow yourself to be patient. Connect with your inner strength and release all the negativity holding you back and may well have been holding you back for years.






You may face a difficult decision that's causing you chronic emotional pain. Despair and obsessive thoughts can grip us so tightly that our problems can turn into a monster and leave us feeling there's no way out. 


We must remind ourselves that the power of the mind is extraordinary. Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy by unintentionally blowing it up in our own minds, making it unbearable to live with. When we face up to our problems and look to the truth of the situation, we can start healing ourselves and restoring peace within.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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