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Five of Swords​  




The Five of Swords represent conflict and disruption that leads to changes. It highlights the theme of battles and being confronted with aggression and anger.


The number five represents the challenges that come with change. These struggles must be faced if things are to change. There's always a lesson to be learned with the fives.


When the Five of Swords appear, you may be caught up in an uncomfortable situation where you're feeling under attack or provoked. It often denotes negative emotions like anger, rage and jealousy. It can indicate that an argument has spiralled out of control. Harsh words may be exchanged and even violent outbursts. A battle of wills may erupt and is likely fought with cruel tactics such as lies and slander.


Rather than face the issue with maturity, shaming accusations and laying blame may bounce back and forth, creating more tension and hurt feelings. In these tense situations, it's wise to retreat from the conflict and return to calmness. It doesn't matter who's won or lost the battle. How you react to conflict is what shapes your character.


If you feel strongly about an issue, it's okay to voice your opinion. Just make sure you raise your argument and not your voice. Learn how to communicate efficiently without causing injury to others. Explain your anger rather than expressing it!


If others don't wish to communicate, you cannot control them by using aggressive behaviour. If others are using aggressive or unhealthy behaviour towards you, you have every right to remove yourself from a toxic environment.






The Five of Swords reversed reminds us to be mindful of our behaviour towards others. Carrying resentment or thoughts of revenge will only lower our vibration and bring more negativity into our lives. If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all. Healthy communication goes a long way with healthy, happy relationships! 



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.

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